Favorite food: Steak, Asparagus
Favorite movie: Rear Window, Pulp Fiction
Favorite HS experience: Choir tour to Canada.
Favorite performing arts memory: Touring Considering Matthew Sheppard during its debut year.
HARRIS IPOCK serves as Director of Choral Activities at Denison University, where he also teaches private voices as well as courses in conducting, theory/aural skills, and video game music. He has previously served as conductor of the Conservatory Choir at Shenandoah Conservatory, the Harvard Glee Club at Harvard University, and has conducted choral ensembles at Boston University, Clayton State University, and Hobart and William Smith Colleges. In addition to his teaching schedule, Harris enjoys an active career as a soloist and professional chorister. As a member of Conspirare, he appears on several recordings, including the Grammy Award winning album Sacred Spirit of Russia and the Grammy nominated album The Singing Guitar. He has also appeared with Santa Fe Desert Chorale, Yale Choral Artists, the Kinnara Ensemble, and other ensembles around the country. Harris holds a D.M.A. in choral conducting from Eastman School of Music, M.M. degrees in choral conducting and vocal performance from East Carolina University, and B.M. and B.A. degrees in vocal performance and economics from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.